Medical & Scientific

Designed for the specific needs of medical, scientific & research associations.

joyn is a robust, full-featured AMS that was built in partnership with leading medical, scientific and research associations.  We proudly serve a wide range of international, national, regional and state-level associations.

Proven solutions to engage your members


Launch individual and multi-participant submissions with categories, co-authors, key words, word & character counts and more.

Reviews & Selection

Auto-assign submissions based on reviewer preference, track reviewer progress, and ensure program balance during selection.

Travel Awards

Travel Award submissions can be standalone or integrated with other submissions, with separate review committee.


Capture disclosures from committee members, presenters and reviewers.

Presenter Self-Service

Accepted presenters can upload poster images, slide decks, voice recordings and transcripts.

e-Poster Gallery

Engaging platform to showcase scientific research, with separate discussion forums.

Conference Mobile App

Attendees seamlessly navigate from laptop to mobile app.  Staff push real-time speaker and schedule updates.

Education Hours

Attendees submit education hours and receive post-conference certificates via robust design that handles all of the ‘exceptions’.

Conference Materials

Staff quickly produce printed materials that combine schedule and submission information, e.g., ‘Schedule at a glance’